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How to Measure your Service Department’s Performance

By August 1, 2017August 21st, 2017Service Drive

It’s a consumer-driven climate.

In such a consumer-driven climate, there’s not a lot of room for dealership error when it comes to getting the service experience right. Consumers have plenty of repair and service providers to choose from, so it’s important for dealerships to stay ahead of the competition.

Consumers who feel valued and looked after by your service team is more like to return for future repairs and recommend you to others. In order to meet and exceed consumer expectations, dealerships need a reporting system that can help them track and assess their service performance.

What is an electronic Vehicle Health Check (eVHC)?

Many dealerships are investing in electronic Vehicle Health Check (eVHC) systems such as Superservice Triage, to measure their service performance.

Superservice Triage is a tablet-based, VIN-specific eVHC system, that allows Technicians to carry out a guided and measurable vehicle inspection process.

In addition to capturing and storing vehicle repair data, Superservice Triage has a detailed reporting suite that helps Service Managers identify and track service performance.

Manage and track service performance

Superservice Triage has helped many dealerships track and manage the following service performances and metrics:

  • Number of inspection reports created
  • Number of sales and conversion rates
  • Dollars identified and sold (overall and per vehicle)
  • Percentages Sold / Declined / Deferred
  • Reasons for Declined / Deferred work
  • Declined / Deferred work sold on follow up
  • Service Advisor performance
  • Technician performance and efficiency
  • Averages sold by Service Advisor / Technician / Customer

By continuously measuring and reviewing your Service Department, you can improve your customer service, staff performance and service processes.


Superservice Triage eVHCSuperservice Triage by Infomedia is a real-time, VIN-specific electronic Vehicle Health Check system. It empowers dealerships to increase revenue, improve their Service Department’s productivity and build customer trust.