We combine data analytics and global aftersales expertise to inspire Automakers and Dealerships with insights that help reduce operational costs, grow sales and improve customer retention.

Data Management
We source, cleanse and standardize DMS and other disparate data to provide unique business transparency. Our powerful BI engine brings to light hidden data relationships to power big ideas.

Performance Insights
Drive incentives and loyalty programs with real-time insights into dealer performance and customer behaviour. Dealership dashboards allow tracking of lapsed customers, parts and service sales, productivity KPI’s and CSI.

Generate accurate demand forecasts for parts and service sales using VIN precise analytics that unleash the potential of transaction data. Easily map customers, discover patterns, and calculate inventory requirements.

Customer Experience
Build relationships with a VIN precise marketing engine that automates event driven satisfaction surveying, service retention programs, road side assistance registration, parts rebates and more.

Dealer Optimization
Optimize and grow dealer performance with predictive analytics that drive dealer action plans, automate workflows, improve CRM processes and measure productivity and sales efforts.

Unlock the value of your data with trusted products and technology.
Unlock the value of your data with trusted products and technology.
We help Automakers and Dealerships transform the way they operate and communicate with customers.
Our data-driven insights provide distinctive new capabilities to drive better decisions and more effective customer programs.
Data Solutions
- Data collection & standardization
- DMS Integration
- Parts master data extract
- EPC-as-a-Service
- Menus-as-a-Service
- VHC / MPI work history
BI & Advanced Analytics
- BI Dashboards
- Consolidated view of customer
- Inventory analysis
- Dealer network performance
- Brand comparative reporting
- Parts demand analysis: EPC + Menus
- Equity mining
Predictive Marketing
- Automated demand generation
- Predict customer (VIN) requirements
- Parts & Service lifecycle campaigns
- Vehicle sales campaigns
- Performance insights
- Market segmentation
- Customer categorization
Connected Car Marketing
- Telematics Integration
- Data capture
- Marketing automation
- Predictive analytics
- Telematics data broker
Dealer Workflow Portal
- Customer retention analysis
- Work flow integration (next steps)
- Dealer visit reporting – brand audits
- Customer surveying
- OEM programs
- RIM integration
- Business Apps